Sports Day Enkai.....aka, the Samurai approach to drinking and I've already got my Black Belt.
Monday, Sept. 5, 2005
In any case, back to Sports Day. Once the day was done we had to help take down all the equipment and by that time everyone was exhausted. We had been there the whole day (since it was on a Sunday, I had today off) and had been fairly active in the heat. However, rather than go home we had to go to a huge Enkai. This was Vuzi’s and mine official welcoming party. Inoue-sensei took us to the hotel where it was to take place and explained that the place had Onsens (hot spring baths) both inside and outside. I hadn’t been to an Onsen yet so Inoue-sensei warned me that everyone walks around totally naked and bathes together naked (but the sexes are separated of course). I wasn’t too worried (most of you already know how much I enjoy being naked) so I stripped and hopped in. It was awesome. I chose the outside bath and it had a gorgeous view. Afterwards, I felt refreshed and ready for the heavy drinking that I knew was coming.
After Kocho-Sensei, Vuzi and I gave our speeches (sometimes it feels like all I do is give speeches on how great it is to be in
Eventually, just as I was starting to feel a bit buzzed, I felt a strong pat on my shoulder and looked up to see Miyazaki-sensei (my Iaido/Jodo teacher) standing over me with a bottle of sake. He motioned for me to move over and sat down beside me (well he actually somewhat plopped down beside me). I have to say I am growing more and more fond of him every day. Still amazes me how well we communicate despite the language barrier. It’s like we’re on the same wavelength. I guess Martial Arts and Alcoholism are powerful bonding tools. He gave me a little glass and poured me a shot of sake. I drank it down in one gulp and passed it back to him and then poured him a shot. After a few rounds of this I was starting to get a bit worried at how I was going to feel the next day but being the (ahem) man I am sometimes….my pride kept me drinking as long as he was pouring. He laughed his ass off at my attitude too (at each drink I furrowed my brows in concentration, and did practiced breathing exercises in an attempt to keep myself from passing out) and through gestures and some Engrish explained to me that he liked my spirit. I beamed, but I do sometimes fear for my delicate femininity – we were comparing biceps a few drinks later. I did have the thought though that if he had been 20 years younger he’d be in big trouble because he is by far my favorite person in the school and at 65 he’s still pretty damn handsome (and well, you know, I was also getting drunk). After about 5 shots of sake, Inoue-sensei, who was sitting nearby, looked over at us and said to me that perhaps I should be careful and slow down (Japanese people never say stuff like “Slow down!” they always make things into suggestions like “Hmmm, maybe it would be better if you slowed down”). I shrugged, but Miyazaki-sensei (who had only just then realized that Inoue-sensei was sitting nearby) thrust the shot glass in her direction and poured her a drink. Inoue-sensei is not the type of person to say no to a drink either (I think it’s a matter of pride for her as well, working in a male dominated society and all that) and so soon all three of us were drinking quite profusely, with Inoue-sensei shooting me desperate and apologetic glances between shots. Finally Uchida-sensei came to our rescue and took
In any case, after the enkai was done, most of the female teachers went home, but the older men (the younger ones were passed out) wanted to continue. Kocho-sensei and Miyazaki-sensei cornered me and insisted that I was coming with them. So we made our way (by reserved bus) to a really classy bar. Of course this resulted in much more drinking, and while I was still managing to act sober and contained my mind was now telling me that I was going to really regret this tomorrow. I didn’t care. It was way too much fun. The highlight was showing Kocho-sensei an Iaido kata and using chopsticks in place of a katana, which was followed by a short lesson from Miyazaki-sensei who also used a chopstick to demonstrate attacks. This quickly degenerated into drunken chopstick dueling. As the two of us cut away at the air and laughed and made jokes (again all in sign language), Uchida-sensei said that there was a name for the kind of bond Miyazaki-sensei and I had (Hmmm..."retarded alcoholics"? I thought). I forgot what word he actually used though, but he translated it as “more than love”. I considered this and thought it pretty apt. Miyazaki-sensei, however, took the opportunity of me pausing to slip in a fast chopstick thrust, thus ending our battle victorious. The night ended with a bit of karaoke (I sang “girls just wanna have fun”) where I sucked ass, but then so did everyone else. I was complimented on my pronunciation though – ah Japan.
I finally came home just after midnight (the drinking had started at 6 pm) and passed out soundly on my bed, knowing full well that tomorrow I was to have the worst hangover yet. I woke up in the morning in all kinds of pain, clutching a chopstick in my right hand.
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