Monday, May 29, 2006

Kobe, Osaka, and Missing Home -- Abriged version

Somebody (you know who you are Justice, you insolent boy) recently complained that I write too much in my blog entries. So I will keep this as succinct as possible given that I’ve done a lot in the last week.

Went to Kobe and Osaka for a few days. Had a JET conference in Kobe which wasn’t as boring as expected and the hotel was really nice so I really can’t complain. Partied almost every night, though the Friday in Osaka was by far the best as we went to an awesome place called Pure and danced till about 5 am. There was a hot bartender there with tatts all over his body and he told me he had one on his ass, and then showed me in front of all the other bar patrons. Also realized that I really like Nicole’s peeps from the Island – those are some chill individuals.

Met up with Alison (we used to fence together at U of T) in Osaka. It was nice to see someone from back home and hear some downright dirty-ass stories, Alison-style. It sorta showed me how much I’ve changed since leaving Toronto and made me miss home.

Came back on Saturday and went (with no sleep and directly from the train) to an Iaido enkai with a bunch of toothless Iaido masters. Was asked on a date and proposed to several times. Found a teacher for when I move to Omura though (Yay! He’s a retired Naval Officer, and says he runs a strict class – cool!).

Sunday was my second ever Iaido tournament. Performed well but messed up one part. Was told later that if I hadn’t made that one mistake I would have probably gone pretty far.

Sunday night I had a really deep, dead-to-the-world sleep. Woke up at 9 the next day, after 10 hours of sleep but with a horrendous cold, and thus now look like a piece of turd on my Japanese license which I went to get yesterday.

Well that is as short as I could make all that. Have to work this weekend which sucks poon. Reeeeeeaallly want to be back in Toronto right now because I’m feeling a bit homesick and un-loved.

Also, I really want a hug. That is all.


At 8:35 AM, Blogger None said...

Tell me about it. I'm homesick too.

At 4:46 PM, Blogger None said...

By the way, you can reach me via email for future Asia travels or whatever...what do you think of Beijing (Olympics 2008, y'all!) and Shanghai?

jaggua (at) aol (dot) com


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