Coz I`m Budo like that.....
Well it’s been overcast, rainy and downright dreary here the last couple of days. It makes me want to curl up in a cat-like ball and stay in bed reading and drinking cocoa. This strong desire is not helped by the fact that I now have a nasty cold as well (which probably started when I decided to go for a run in the rain…I just wanted to be hardcore, damnit). Maybe if I make cutesy eyes at people at work? I don’t know how good I am at eliciting pity….but I’ll give it a go. I just hope it doesn’t freak people out so much that they attempt to attack me out of fear. The risk seems worth it though. (Update: it worked. Well sorta…..they didn’t give me a day off, but they gave me some hot cocoa…score!)
Anywho, as of yesterday I am a Jodo Nidan. I passed my test despite an insufficient amount of sleep (mainly due to my cold) and a general feeling of weakness and nausea. That’s true Budo, though, as my Dutch friend Yurun pointed out.
Saturday night I had helped Kara with the 2nd annual charity concert event in Shimabara. I mainly manned the door, which was perfect cause I really just wanted to be sitting down. The concert was good though and makes me want to organize similar things when I get back home. Partying AND helping people? What’s not to like?
Anyways, I think that’s all for now. I am on a `loving Japan` kick right now. I think the next few weekends will be more relaxed because all my martial arts tests are now successfully behind me and I have to save money for Thailand so no partying. I can’t wait to go tho!
Also, I made the best kimchi ever last night. I`mma make that stuff for you mofos back home when I make my glorious return.
Congrats on your Ni Dan grading in Jodo.
Can't wait to see you back to TO.
thanks khoi!
i'll be seeing y'all pretty soon ;)
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