Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My love of blunt objects is almost as strong as my love for blunt people.

Another day, another blog entry?? To what do you owe this continued blessing you ask yourselves? Well actually, you owe it to the brilliance of the Japanese school system. This week (as I have mentioned in the previous days entries) I have no classes at all, nor do I have anything at all (constructive or othwerise) that I am required to be doing here at school. And yet here I am and here I have to be. Why? That is a mystery for the ages I suppose (or for some Japanese dude in a business suit, sitting in a tiny but meticulously clean government office somewhere in Japan).

I came in this morning feeling a little sick-ish (perhaps from too much booze at last night's Valentine's Day dinner party at Jenny's -- which was amazing due to both the awesome company and the highly impressive culinary skills of Jenny, Kara and Carlos) and I tried to play it up to see if they would let me go home. So I coughed and hacked and groaned as much as possible, but alas, no one even asked me if I was ok. However, when I almost fell over from a violent fake coughing fit (which was so violent that by the end I was actually really coughing from the effort) my supervisor finally asked me if I was sick. I nodded and tried to make my eyes as bambi-esque as possible in order to elicit feelings of pity from her, and her response was to suggest that I see a doctor. When I said that I didn't think I needed one but rather just probably needed to rest (hint, hint), she simply gave me a sympathetic nod and went back to work. So much for that ploy.

This morning I was so dreading the tedious day ahead that I contemplated stabbing myself with my mug (which if you have ever wanted to try, don't -- it just bounces off harmlessly and can have the undesirable effect of spilling its contents all over you). That being said, the only thing that saved me from repeated self-abuse via blunt objects was the continued attention of and email/msn dialogue with two of my favourite people. You know who you are ladies, if you're reading this, and I want you to know that I love you both even more than I love mind-altering chemicals. And for me, that is really saying a lot.

And that is all.


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