Productivity? Is that when you, like, do stuff?
So I spent like 4 hours cleaning my apartment today. Hardcore cleaning. Ok, I'll give those of you who fainted a few minutes to collect yourselves.....ok? Good. Let's have a stiff shot of scotch and move on, shall we? Anyways, yes I cleaned for 4 hours. What brought this on you ask? Well I came in to school today fully prepared for a boring, long day of no classes (the students have exams and the internet is *gulp* down.). Just as I was thinking of ways to prevent killing myself however (these included taping my fingers together so that I would be unable to grip a sharp object or covering myself in cottonballs to prevent possible damage from jumping off a third story roof) I was pleased to discover that I had a few extra days of nenkyuu (vacation time) that I had forgotten about!
Well, let's just say that as soon as I discovered my good fortune, I bear-hugged the bringers of the good news, packed my shit and left to go home. The only problem -- I forgot that my neighbour took the car for the day . So I had taken the day off only to be stuck at home.
However, due to a long and long overdue conversation that I had had with a friend yesterday I was feeling especially motivated this fine morning. Also, when I realized how little time I had to pack all my stuff to move to Omura as well as visit Canada (especially given how busy my schedule is the next two weeks) I concluded that my time would best be spent by cleaning, organizing and packing the rat like nest of useless crap that I call my personal possessions. So that's what I spent all day doing and damn, it actually felt good. I still have a shit-load more to do, but at least the worst part is over now! Anyways, sorry to talk about boring stuff like cleaning, but in my world that's big news.
Actually, I'm feeling all together positive about all kinds of stuff today. Yah, scary, I know. Sorry to send so many shockers to you guys today. Just have some more scotch -- that always works for me.
I have my last Japanese class with Fumi (one of the nicest and most energetic Japanese women I have ever met) in a few hours, and tommorrow is my last Eikaiwa (private lesson) with my student Nagisa (who is my age, a lot of fun, and has a hilarious mother). Rather than feeling sentimental about it though, I am just appreciating the moments while they last. Life changes (What, it does? Really?? Yes, yes I know I say stupid and obvious shit sometimes). Anyways, I always complain when it does, but it always works out. This was recently pointed out to me as well. So screw it, I am gonna try to remember that, and if I can't I authorize you all to give me either a physical or verbal bitch slap to remind me.
Side note: I've been chasing dog's a lot lately and petting them like crazy. This does not mean I am desperate for love though. I just like soft furry things, ok? Sometimes I pet my pillows as well, and my towel....and...oh crap. I have problems.
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