Movin' on up!
As I mentioned a little while ago, I recently applied for a job within JET as an education center ALT in Omura city (really close to Nagasaki). The job involves, among other things, running all the education seminars for the Nagasaki prefecture JETs as well as for Japanese teachers of English. It is basically an education policy job and has a lot more responsiblities (and power...dahaha) than my current job. It also looks pretty kick-ass on a resume...
In any case, enough build up (and in case you couldn't figure it out from my excited rambling)....I found out today that I got the job!!!
I didn't think that I would get it because my Japanese ability is not the greatest (they had tried to interview me in Japanese but gave up after I just kept repeating that I loved sushi -- even in response to education policy questions). I was also supposed to find out sooner, but turns out the documents had gotten a bit lost in Japanese bureaucracy. Ah well, now I know!
In any case I am excited but also a bit terrified. I esentially have three months (the job starts in August) to learn to speak Japanese. I will also have to do a lot of public speaking (there are something like 200 JETs in Nag prefecture!) and that's not really my favourite thing. Oh well, it should be a challenge. Wish me luck!
Hey Lana,
Thought I'd let you know about my roommate's sociology project. It tests your politics and compares it with your friends' It would be interesting to see how people of different cultures compares. Check it out and tell your friends!
Hey! congrats! I guess this means we'll all be bailing on The Chet, but at least we'll be near enough to visit. maybe.
Don't forget to add me to friends list. I'm a left-wing, libertarian, boo-yah! (Although slightly more authoritarian than I expected..)
BTW, congrats on the promotion!
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