Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Ping, ping, pingpingping!

...that's the sound my supervisor makes as she walks along. Well not really, but in my head I mean. Today was the official end of the Japanese school year (which doesn't mean much since the new year begins next week) and so I had to sit through a two hour graduation ceremony in the freezing cold gym wearing nothing but a thin suit (at least I looked hot). Not only was it cold and damp (and I already have a cold) but it was also boring as hell. I mean graduation ceremonies are always boring as hell, but the fact that I couldn't understand any part of the speeches just made the problem worse. In essence I had nothing to distract me from the utter misery my body was in. As a result, after the first half hour my mind dissociated from my body and started making sound effects for people walking around as a means to stay sane. Because my supervisor is a tiny woman with an adorable little hop of a walk, her movements were given a high pitched "pinging" sound in my head. Shut up, it was entertaining.

So I haven't really posted anything for a while. Not really because I was busy, but more because there wasn't much to post. Last week I went to Fukuoka again and continued my efforts at seducing a certain individual. Seduction, I can report, is going well. God, I love Fukuoka. The whole weekend there I pretty much got no sleep and was completely wasted the whole time (but I had some amazing Mexican food). Healthy, I know. Last Monday to Wednesday was a lot of fun though, because Jenny and I went to a seminar/intensive at Siebold University that was held in a really nice hotel near Nagasaki. The university paid for everything and we pretty much just had to entertain a bunch of university kids. It was good times. There, we also became better friends with a Canadian/Portugese chick named Lima, who is frickin' awesome! I haven't laughed that hard in a while coz this girl is totally nuts (in a good way of course)!

Other than that, the past weekend was quiet. I excercised, onsened, and got a massage. It was nice to have a quiet weekend for a change. I am still sticking to my excercising, which is good, but I gotta watch it so I don't burn out before the Iaido tournament that I'm competing in two weeks from now.

Ok, my iaido sensei just told me we have to go practice. Yay, more time in a cold, damp gym. I swear it'll be a miracle if I make it through today without getting pneumonia.....

Thursday, February 16, 2006

A padded helmet kind of day....

Ok, so I am having one of THOSE days. You know the kind when your body and mind seem to be two seperate entities and most of your brain cells seem to have shown up late for work with a hangover?

Yah. Highlights of the day so far (and it's only 10 am):
-Iaido practice this morning resulted in numerous losses of balance culminating in me getting my sword entangled in my gi sleeve during a sharp turn and almost stabbing myself whilst trying to get it free.
-Hitting me head against a bathroom stall when getting up from the toilet.
-(and my personal fav) Trying to blow dust off my computer keyboard but, having forgotten that I was chewing on a cookie at the time, instead blowing the said half masticated cookie all over my computer.

To top it all off, I thought all this retardedness was due to the fact that I did not get enough sleep last night and so I drank two coffees and then two green teas and am now twitching worse than a speed freak. What's worse, even though I am more alert now, the caffeine has not done anything for my clumsiness and instead has just made me more intensely retarded so that I am doing stupid things at twice the speed as before. Most excellent. I have to remember to avoid busy intersections and sharp objects today.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

To hormones, with love...

Oh I do so love being a bipolar bastard with more mood swings per day than mormons have wives. It's just part of the fun of being me I guess. Today I have gone from bitchy, to introspective, to content, to ecstatic and back down to bored. Can't wait to see what comes next...

So it's Thursday today (despite what blogger says 'cause for some reason it doesn't accept the fact that I am not in a North American time zone) and it is therefore Day 4 of what is quite possibly this year's recipient of the Most Boring Week award. It's fairly warm today (about 18 degrees) but it's overcast and foggy. It's also really quiet, sorta like a horror movie about to happen. That thought amused me for a while today as I sang eerie music to myself whilst on a trip to the school's main bathroom. Japanese school's are a bit scary sometimes though (like today) and so soon I had scared myself enough to run back to the teacher's lounge with a bit of hysteria in my gait.

I am having a good day overall though, since tommorrow I am going to Fukuoka again! Man, I love that place. Plus, I got some orange chocolates (my favourite kind) and I am compulsively eating at those as well. Great, I won't be able to go to the bathroom for a week....*shrug* compromises. Sometimes I think I kinda resemble a squirrel 'cause everytime I go to reach for a chocolate, I look around shiftyly and draw my arms up really close to my body before quickly darting my hand into my drawer and pulling out a piece of chocolate. I then proceed to eat it in a covert manner, all the while narrowing my eyes at suspicious characters nearby (though I realize, I am probably the most suspicious character in the area).

Well back to non-work I go. The internet is God, and MSN is my current religion. Time to go and pray some more.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My love of blunt objects is almost as strong as my love for blunt people.

Another day, another blog entry?? To what do you owe this continued blessing you ask yourselves? Well actually, you owe it to the brilliance of the Japanese school system. This week (as I have mentioned in the previous days entries) I have no classes at all, nor do I have anything at all (constructive or othwerise) that I am required to be doing here at school. And yet here I am and here I have to be. Why? That is a mystery for the ages I suppose (or for some Japanese dude in a business suit, sitting in a tiny but meticulously clean government office somewhere in Japan).

I came in this morning feeling a little sick-ish (perhaps from too much booze at last night's Valentine's Day dinner party at Jenny's -- which was amazing due to both the awesome company and the highly impressive culinary skills of Jenny, Kara and Carlos) and I tried to play it up to see if they would let me go home. So I coughed and hacked and groaned as much as possible, but alas, no one even asked me if I was ok. However, when I almost fell over from a violent fake coughing fit (which was so violent that by the end I was actually really coughing from the effort) my supervisor finally asked me if I was sick. I nodded and tried to make my eyes as bambi-esque as possible in order to elicit feelings of pity from her, and her response was to suggest that I see a doctor. When I said that I didn't think I needed one but rather just probably needed to rest (hint, hint), she simply gave me a sympathetic nod and went back to work. So much for that ploy.

This morning I was so dreading the tedious day ahead that I contemplated stabbing myself with my mug (which if you have ever wanted to try, don't -- it just bounces off harmlessly and can have the undesirable effect of spilling its contents all over you). That being said, the only thing that saved me from repeated self-abuse via blunt objects was the continued attention of and email/msn dialogue with two of my favourite people. You know who you are ladies, if you're reading this, and I want you to know that I love you both even more than I love mind-altering chemicals. And for me, that is really saying a lot.

And that is all.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Happy V-Day, lovers

When I opened my email account today the first thing I noticed was an E-card from my mother.
This of course made me realize that the day of love is upon us once again. My goal for today: I am trying my hardest to not be a cynical bitch as per usual. Wish me luck, 'cause I'm gonna need it!

Reflecting today on the fact that I live in a small town in Japan (and have realized due to a whole slew of events that Japanese men are generally not my type) I fear that I may be alone for quite some time. Does this upset me? Well let's just say that I seem to have a lot of extra energy for physical activites these days, and so I seem to be on my way to getting into pretty good shape. Tradeoffs, I suppose.

Actually, I'm not one of those people who really cares a whole lot about Valetine's day either way, and I don't go crazy over not having a significant other (like so many single people seem to do) but rather look at it as an opportunity to eat some chocolate and get drunk. Then again, some people would argue, that I look at almost anything as such an opportunity. Those people are cynical bastards (and er.....probably my closest friends....).

Anywho, a bit of a background on how the Japanese celebrate Valentine's. Over here it is a day for only women to give chocolate to men! Yep, the guys are the intended recipients of the love today. I think this blows my ass, but whatcha gonna do? You're also supposed to give chocolates not just to the main man in your life, but also to co-workers, bosses, etc. On that note, I bought some chocolate in today but decided to give it to the guys and the girls to even out the score a little bit. I am such a rebel, I know. I think the gesture was appreciated though.

Ah well, I don't feel like any more disconnected rambling, so back to work I go (read: back to more blank staring out the window).

However, I do feel some love welling up in me today, so it's only a question of who will be the lucky recipient.
Hmm....I am sure I could find a stray sheep around here somewhere......or perhaps I should scare one of my Japanese co-workers with an overly exagerrated display of emotion that is so frowned upon in Japanese society. Ah the endless possibilites for mental scarring abound.....

In any case, happy Valentine's Day people! Hope that you all get some love in one form or another today, even if it is only self-love..... ;)

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Somewhere a bird is seeking therapy for body image issues....

It is strange how the past haunts us all. New situations, new relationships and friendships, all are judged in the context of what we have known before. What upsets us, what makes us happy; it seems like it all relates to what we have experienced up to that point. Mostly this is implicit and only vaguely felt, but sometimes it crashes upon your awarness with the clarity of windexed glass. I guess this is normal, but sometimes when we percieve the past reoccurring, on occasion our response is out of proportion to what has actually happened in the now. It's funny too, how we always carry the scars of our pasts, but the badges and glory are fleeting.

Heavy much? Ha.
I have no classes all this week and I had a fairly slow and disconnected weekend as well so you all will have to forgive me for my slightly reflective mood.

Out of boredom today I stared for like 30 minutes at a bird near the window. I think I may have made it self-concious because it started fidgeting and eventually flew away. I looked around in the teacher's lounge for a bit and then went back to staring at the window even though the bird was no longer there. I figured if anyone asked me why the hell I was staring out of a window at nothing I could say that I had been staring at a bird that had only just then flown off. It's pretty sad when you have to think of alibi's for the eventuality of being questioned over blank staring. However, I don't think anyone here will say anything 'cause it looks like everyone else is almost as bored as I am. My supervisor almost caught fire today because she was zoned out standing near the heater for too long. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

I wish there were squirrels here.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Ah, the power of suggestion....

This is my horoscope for today from Yahoo. I just happened to stumble upon it:

"Daily extended (by Astrology.com)The universe is perfectly primed to inspire everyone to be excessive, extravagant and out of control -- to really go overboard, in any and all departments. Of course, since that's how you tend to be -- oh, let's say 'occasionally' -- well, won't it be fun to finally have the rest of the world on the same page? You'll actually be able to suggest something risky without worrying about getting the old 'tsk tsk,' accompanied by that oh so familiar disapproving frown. "

Er....giving me this kind of advice is just plain dangerous, people. Does this mean that I can finally suggest my illicit drug fueled horse-zucchini-whopper-salary man in a diaper-orgy idea to the residents of my sleep little town and not get arrested?? Cause if I do get in trouble....Imma gonna have a bone to pick with the peeps at Astrology.com....

And now THIS is happening.....

I hate when people are nosy. Unfortunately for me, nosiness seems to be a bit of a Japanese pastime. I guess it’s their way of showing interest in you in order to help cement interpersonal relations. Even most Japanese people though know roughly where to draw the line. However, once again unfortunately for me, I work with two Japanese men who don’t.

I was talking on MSN the other day when one of these guys just came behind me and started reading what I was writing (and well, most you know how I talk when I think that the conversation is private…). I quickly closed the window and he had the audacity to ask me what I was writing about! This guy is so damn annoying in other areas as well. He frequently asks me to do him little favours, especially as they relate to translating things, and talks to me for hours on end about completely irrelevant and boring topics (and doesn’t catch my blatant hinting at non interest – seriously I can have my back turned to him, typing something else, and say “huh? Sorry?” ten times in a row in response to questions he asks me, and STILL he keeps talking). I have frequent punting fantasies that all involve him and I swear when he comes close sometimes my leg jerks a little involuntarily.

The secretary can’t stand him either so we frequently share a joke at his expense using hand gestures to communicate. Luckily “punt” is easy to explain without the use of much verbal language…

Anywho, that’s my rant for the day. It’s Friday and for the first time in a while I have no plans for the weekend. Jenny and Kara are going to run in some marathon or something tomorrow. Nicole can’t make it out to Fukuoka to party. And I am too lazy to find out what other people are doing. What’s worse is that I’m almost done with season 1 of ‘Lost’!

I think I might just have to take a trip across the bay to Kumamoto tomorrow since I haven’t been there yet. We’ll see how I feel. On the other hand, I might just do what I used to back in TO when I was really bored and feeling lazy on the weekend – get drunk early in the morning, eat something fried, call a bunch of people and take turns being megalomaniacal and then sobby, watch a romantic comedy and blubber like a little girl and pass out early in a pool of my own vomit. Ah, how I miss my old life…..

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Hiking to Happiness!

I have always enjoyed hiking, but recently I have come to all out adore it. Especially when it’s a steep hike up a mountain with the possibility of danger looming ahead.

On Sunday, Jenny, Kayoko, Fumi and I went to Mount Unzen. I had climbed it before but there are many trails in the area that I had not explored, and there are more than 5 peaks so you can traipse around up there for a good long time. Sunday’s hike took us to the highest point in the area, and also as close to the volcano as you can legally get (no one is allowed to scale the volcano itself….I have asked numerous times). We hiked for about 4 hours in total, and it was somewhat strenuous, but there were frequent stops as we were with a large group and encountered some traffic on the way up. We had to put special spikes on our shoes to be able to climb through the ice and snow during the last part of the climb. It was so much fun! In retrospect, I wish I had gone with a smaller group because I like to enjoy things like that in a more solitary way, but there is always a next time I guess!

To entertain ourselves on the way down, Jenny and I exchanged lines and/or insults loudly and using as much vulgarity as possible. I just love yelling things like “titties!” with people all around me who cannot understand a single thing I’m saying. There is something so liberating about it. One of the best lines of the day was unintentional though, but thanks to my dirty mind almost made me loose my footing as I we made our way down the mountain side; it was Jenny exclaiming “I love going down!” (in reference to descending the mountain). I loved explaining to Kayoko why I was laughing at that, while Jenny fixed me with a decidedly dirty look, no doubt wishing some unfortune would befall me.

All together it was a great day, full of beautiful natural scenery, stunning views and good company. Next month, I hope to go to Mount Aso for another great hike and the Fire festival….should be amazing!

At the base of the first peak.... Posted by Picasa

Before the climb.....I'm not smiling because I know this is gonna be painful.... Posted by Picasa

The hike begins! Posted by Picasa

Stopping to admire the plant life. Posted by Picasa

Er.....how much more?? I'm dying! Good thing Kayoko seems chipper though.... Posted by Picasa

Jenny and Kayoko praying at a shrine. Posted by Picasa

Half way there! Posted by Picasa

A misty view..... Posted by Picasa

We had to strap on cleats for the last portion of the climb due to the ice and snow... Posted by Picasa

The first peak..... Posted by Picasa

My big butt as I climb one of the tougher portions of the ascent.... Posted by Picasa

Um...why am I the only one that looks tired?? Posted by Picasa

Danger, eh? Posted by Picasa

Some traffic..... Posted by Picasa

The final point of our journey through ice and snow.....in the background is the volcano, Fugendake. Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 06, 2006

I am a hybrid of:
Progressive Girl
Party Girl

Click on the pictures below to read more:

Take'>http://www.cookingtohookup.com/quiz/forgirls.php">Take the 'What Kind of Girl Are You?' quiz at CookingToHookup.com

A majestic sheep greets the glory of the sun....Jenny took this pic with me in mind, and that is why I love her!  Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 05, 2006

What sadness would make a planet cry?

I have too much time on my hands but I don't feel like talking about the real world because it's a horrendous day outside. Today is a day of abstracts. I will read and think and act in prose. Let the tears of the Earth flow....

Il faut être toujours ivre, tout est là ; c'est l'unique question. Pour ne pas sentir l'horrible fardeau du temps qui brise vos épaules et vous penche vers la terre, il faut vous enivrer sans trêve.
Mais de quoi? De vin, de poésie, ou de vertu à votre guise, mais enivrez-vous!
Et si quelquefois, sur les marches d'un palais, sur l'herbe verte d'un fossé, vous vous réveillez, l'ivresse déjà diminuée ou disparue, demandez au vent, à la vague, à l'étoile, à l'oiseau, à l'horloge; à tout ce qui fuit, à tout ce qui gémit, à tout ce qui roule, à tout ce qui chante, à tout ce qui parle, demandez quelle heure il est. Et le vent, la vague, l'étoile, l'oiseau, l'horloge, vous répondront, il est l'heure de s'enivrer ; pour ne pas être les esclaves martyrisés du temps, enivrez-vous, enivrez-vous sans cesse de vin, de poésie, de vertu, à votre guise. "
--Charles Baudelaire

Marry me, Charles!